Ride On St. Louis is proud to announce that we have earned our status as a Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accredited Charity Seal Holder for the 12th year in a row. After completing a thorough review process, we have achieved the BBB’s Standards for Charity Accountability for this year. Standards ensure that our organization has; proper governance and oversight; a method to measure organizational performance and effectiveness; sound financial stewardship and practices, and; complete and accurate fundraising and informational materials. Michelle Corey, BBB president & CEO said, “By meeting BBB Standards for Charity Accountability and displaying BBB’s seal, it gives donors the confidence needed to support Ride On St. Louis’s mission. Charities that meet these best practices go above and beyond legal requirements, putting them in an elite group.”For more about Ride On St. Louis's compliance and reporting transparency please visit our website at www.rideonstl.org/compliance-reporting